Standardisation is a key aspect of investing based on environmental, governance and social (ESG) principles, and is the theme of a planned free Reuters Events webinar on July 9.
The one-hour interactive webinar, “ESG Standards: the best path forward”, starts at 9:30 EST/14:30 BST/13:30 GMT.
You can register here.
The four experts the event will bring together will speak about the current state of ESG standardisation and look into challenges, advantages and unresolved issues it involves.
They will compare universal standards with industry standards, discuss ways to develop standards that are clear and easy to use, explain current initiatives and suggest ways of staying ahead of the market.
The webinar will be moderated by Jim Northey, chairperson of the technical committee for financial services of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The panellists are:
– Bruno Bertocci, head of sustainable equities, UBS Global Asset Management;
– Aidan Davy, chief operating officer, International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), an international organisation promoting safe, fair and sustainable business in mining and metals industries;
– Katie Schmitz Eulitt, director of investor outreach, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), a non-profit focused on sustainability accounting and investment principles.
If you cannot attend live, you will receive a recording if you register.
The webinar is part of the programme for Reuters Events’ ESG Investment North America Virtual Summit 2020 on October 13-14 and ESG Investment Europe Virtual Summit 2020 on November 2-3.
Through registration to this webinar you gain free access to the summit for your region.
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