EVENTS: Investment Education Symposium, New Orleans, Feb 23-25

Investment communities in various countries are resuming post-lockdown in-person events, and the planned Investment Education Symposium 2022 in New Orleans on February 23-25 is one of them.

The conference will address aspects of both traditional and alternative investment, fiduciary responsibility and selection of money managers for U.S. pension funds, endowments, foundations and other institutional investors.

Investment training as such will take up most of the conference time. The rest will be given to actuarial science, law, fiduciary duty and ethics.

Due to the symposium’s educational objective, speakers will NOT be allowed to market any products or services during presentations.

The conference, organised by New York-based event company Opal Group in conjunction with the Louisiana Trustee Education Council (LATEC), will exclusively feature panel discussions.

The organisers promise maximum health safety precautions.

The symposium venue, the Royal Sonesta New Orleans hotel, stands on Bourbon Street, a historic street in the heart of the French Quarter, a district in New Orleans designated by the U.S. government as a National Historic Landmark.

For more information, please contact Opal by email at or by phone on +1 (212) 532-9898.

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