London forum to discuss fixed income business in emerging markets

About 200 financiers are expected to come together for an annual conference in London on April 19-20 to discuss anticipated developments and investment opportunities in fixed income markets in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Ukraine, Russia, other member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Caucasus region. Continue Reading

GUEST POST: Forex vs bitcoin: return on investment comparison?

By David Webb, Business Consultant, Sydney, and Contributor to Over the past few years, investing in forex and crypto-currencies has become a lucrative opportunity for people with a limited budget. Unlike some traditional trading methods, these practices allow you to invest a small amount of money and yet generate an outstanding return on investment… Continue Reading

GUEST POST: When all else fails, raise hemlines

By Capitalist Exploits. Saudi Arabia. The arrival of cinema (after a 35-year ban), comedy shows, women driving. What the hell is happening? At this rate, within a few months Saudi women will be tottering around in lululemon and enraging the clerics via Instagram in their yoga pants. I could think of worse things. Continue Reading

Bitcoin vs forex trading: understanding the difference

By David Webb, business consultant, Sydney, and contributor to BizzmarkBlog. Since 2008, people have kept a close eye on all cryptocurrencies, bitcoin in particular. Being the flagship of all cryptocurrencies, bitcoin has come a long way since those early days, yet it still hasn’t established itself as other trading methods have. It’s still extremely unstable,… Continue Reading

More Countries Are Restricting Access To Blockchain Content

Blockchain has become a global phenomenon and more people are using the tool than ever. Blockchain technology is essentially a digital ledger which cryptocurrencies use to manage transactions. Blockchain technology encrypts the information inside the transaction and allows users to make these types of financial transactions without a bank or traditional financial institution. The Blockchain… Continue Reading