Exclusive: Hires/Fires
Russian investment bank VTB Capital has recruited sales gunslinger Michael Capone from Goldman Sachs in Moscow for its own growing equity sales team.
The VTB press office declined to comment whether the recruitment of Capone represented an end to its hiring freeze.
American Capone, an executive director at Goldman Sachs in Russia, joined Goldman’s in December 2007 from Deutsche Bank in Moscow, where he had been a vice president in equity sales for almost three years.
At Deutsche, Capone had ratcheted up three years as a vice president in equity sales.
In a separate move, ING‘s head of EMEA sales Rupert Wood is said by an banking insider to be quitting the Dutch bank for a year of travelling.
Wood was responible for ramping up ING’s Russian equities business last year by increasing the size of his team in Moscow to over 20.
ING did not return calls or emails requests regarding a replacement for Wood.
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